Android app
Betopick App

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us and we are strongly committed to protecting it. Our privacy policy is very straight forward, as we do not collect, sell or rent your personal information without your explicit permission. Policy on Children's Information betopick is not for persons under the age of 18.

Your Personal Information

We do not collect personal information about you when you visit this Web site or use any associated client applications, unless you choose to provide that information to us. If you choose to share any personal information (such as your email address) with us, we will not share this information with third parties without your explicit permission, except when required by law, subpoena or court order.

Web Site Data

Betopick record certain information they receive from the browser, such as user requested page, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, language preference, referring site and so on. This information is used to help diagnose problems with our servers and to make the sites more useful..